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    Just wanted to let ya know my opion of service monster so here it goes,
    Great program, very well made, some difficulties with learning how to use the program but they have been more then helpfull in learning this undumacated hillbilly. everytime i dig deeper into this program I get even more impressed.

    the biggest complaint I have is there mobile, it is not an app but a webbased service. So when trying to enter new customers It is slow cause it always wants to update or pull info from the server. The people in tech say there working on it.

    overall I highly recomend. if you havent taken the time to do the demo I highkly recomend it! My new years resolution for 2012 was to be a better businessman, this program will easly help me keep track of all that 🙂
    on a side note Im redoing my invoicees what’s your opinion on this slogan?

    In GOD I trust, all others please pay cash.



    Thanks for that update. Definitely time to schedule the demo.

    Quick question for you (or anyone currently using the service)…how are the mobile apps? That is a big draw and I know you said some of the updating can be slow when inputting new customers. Is that an issue out in the field at all?


    The Mobil app Isn’t an app so every thing goes through a server. has been a pain but it’s getting easier as I learn to use it properly 😉 even with that I believe it is to slow I know they’ve gotten alot of feed back regarding those issues so they are working on it. I live in a rural area my biggest town has 20,000 people in it so I’m thinking in more populated areas there is better cell coverage and data so it’s probaly faster then here. It isn’t an app so every thing goes through a server. But at this point I believe the pro’s outweigh the cons


    I have been using service Monster for about two weeks now, and really like it as well. Takes some getting use to. But, it allows me to do things on the marketing/follow-up side that I always want to do, but have not been able to do it consistently. Also looks like it has some great tools for business tracking, etc. Have not used the App yet…



    Through the program I just set up the email marketing thing with SM. it’s included inn the price 🙂 so now every Friday I’ll tell the program to send a letter thanking my customers and asking them to write a review on Google reviews.

    you can try out there mobile site with this log in information they said go ahead and share it on the forum but please dont post it elswhere its fully fuctional just a dummy corp.

    We’re excited to announce that the new version of ServiceMonster Mobile, ServiceMonster Mobile 2.0, runs on all touch-screen devices. This means that more people than ever before can try out ServiceMonster. To access the demo of our mobile, use the following url: http://mobile.servicemonster.net/

    To access ServiceMonster Mobile 2.0, use this login information:

    Company ID: 5001
    User Name:mobile
    Password: access

    Customer Support
    Principal Focus
    (888) 901-3300


    I also like this program very much. The software is amazing! 😀


    Just wondering if anyone could post some new updates on their thoughts on Service Monster. This is still something I would like to integrate in, but would love to here feedback from those that have now been using it for awhile. How do you like it? Pros/cons? You running it on a tablet, smartphone, laptop/ultrabook, or just printing sheets and entering at the end of the day? Do you have a 3G/4G plan to access data through your device if your using one? It is necessary? How do your customers respond to it? Thanks.


    I’m on 3g and4g I would say start it today I love the program. There is a learning curve of about 2 weeks but they are extremely helpful and pleesant at service monster. 😀


    I really like it as well. I only use it on my PC though. I have not tried the Smart Phone App yet. As Patrick mentioned there is short learning curve with it, but Service Monster walks you through everything within those first few weeks.

    Dan 8)


    Dan, so are you just pre-printing out blank sheets for each day and then entering the info into Service Monster at the end of the day? Or do you preprint one for specifiaclly for each job without potentially knowing the specifics yet?

    Patrick, are you using it on a smartphone, tablet, or a laptop via 3G/4G? Everyone has smart phones and that would be the easiest, but the screens I think would be too small for a customer to read (especially the older folks), which is where I would think a 7 or 10″ tablet would be required. If you are using a tablet, which one? A laptop/netbook I would think would be a little cumbersome to bring into a customer’s home.

    Thanks for your input guys.


    I start the day on my PC. I go to scheduling and print route packet. (prints all work orders or the day) I then log into SM with my Motorola ceo1680 (android). from their I go to the schedule button open up schedule click on first job. then click there address wich brings up maps for gps 😀 then drive to job.
    At job I go back to internet browser still logged in (after a while it does boot you for sercurity). I bring in the printed copy and my phone and wheel. reconnect/meet customer. I click order on SM, I then cklick the edit button then the service items selected bar then I measure
    i type ex.

    item =bedroom
    description= first to left
    quanity=automath 😀

    I use the description to make sure next time I clean I know which room is wich after ive typed allthe rooms in i check the main box that will check all the line items. then I hit update quanity then i hit update description. then save. the work order then looks something like this
    residential carpet cleaning bedroom, living room, hall, 498 .4 $199.20

    then I go to the customer with phone in hand and make sure they like price. if they say well its over my budjet lets delete the bedroom so i click the edit button open up the service item bar then uncheck the line for bedroom
    update description and QNTY then save then go over it with customer thier happy I start work at some point during the job I go to the printed copy and hand write all the sq ft. and the amount.
    end of job make sure customers happy they pay I enter SM
    hit complete then save
    click new payment click payment method select check
    type in check number in ref
    hit save
    then do it all over again at next job

    If It is out in the country with no cell phone coverage then I use my printed copy and write the info in my notebook to enter when I get back to the office.

    if the customer has had work done under this sytem then you just check the boxes they want done from the previouse time.

    when calls come in i type all there info into phone put it in the schedule and send theman email confermation of apointmet

    I still get frusterated some times hit the wrong button with my fingers but it is alot less frequant now.

    I hope this is helpfull



    if you want to play with the mobile version if SM doesnt have a dummy company available (they didnt when I signed up) give me a call and Ill let you play with my login 509-765-0332


    Been using Service Monster for about a month now. AMAZING software. Love it.
    Been thinking of trying the Fill My Schedule feature.
    Is anyone doing it? If so, hows it working for you?



    We are using the fill my schedule, but we are only doing thank you card, 6 month card, and 18 month card. (not religiously doing 6 and 18 month yet, but getting there). It never hurts to help cement your name with customer and thank you’s do that. Agree that the program is very good. I like it. People who have implemented Quickbooks into their business and use it for invoices (and are happy with it) probably don’t need it. If you are using ticketbooks and not keeping up to date on everything being entered for record keeping/taxes/etc, then I highly recommend Service Monster. It makes you stay organized. Beside initially setting up the customer info for a new customer, it is pretty quick and easy to use and stay organized. We have a 3G tablet so we have eliminated the paper invoices almost all together. We usually email invoices, or mail invoice if they don’t have/want to give email, but that is very rare surprisingly (we do have some blanks in the vans if they want paper copy written out while we’re there).

    My advice for any starting up with Service Monster though is to start fresh from day 1 for data (invoice totals,etc). They offer to input all of your old records, but I recommend only having them insert your customer’s address/contact info. The prior invoice info they built from our Quickbooks data wasn’t very useful or accurate. Maybe it has gotten better, but we started with them last April and I only use data from April 1st on. I don’t consider my data prior to that accurate that they entered. Just my 2 cents.


    Thanks for the response Dave. Besides doing the thank you and 6/18 month cards, what else are you doing as far as staying in touch/marketing to your existing customers?
    I’ve been horrible at that and it’s my new years revolution to improve on the marketing of my existing customer base. Prior to this year all i’ve been doing was leaving a business card magnet, and maybe sending out 1 or 2 coupon postcards throughout the year. That’s it. As of right now i’d say most of my jobs are mainly new customers (around 60%) while repeat business makes up maybe 30-40 percent. I think thats an extremely poor ratio. What would you say your percentage is? Anyone else could feel free to chime in as well.

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