Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Tip Of The Day Red stain remover

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    Instead of using the steam iron to activate the red dye remover you can get one of our 2.5 gallon jugs and fill it with super hot water from the customers sink. Just lay the jug on top of the red spot and it will get rid of the spot.


    So, you just place the jug on it and it comes out. You don’t extract or anything. Sorry if I sound a little dumb, it’s just I would really like to know what works best on red dye. Red Dye is the only stain we have trouble with.

    Mike Nowlin

    Heaven’s Best of South Texas


    Hey Mike, I still extract the red dye remover out of the carpet. This process just helps elimate bringing in the iron.


    We all should know that our Red dye remover seems to work far better if the carpet fibers are dry prior to applying. We also know that we should completely flush out the stain prior to treatment to rid the area of all foreign contaminants. By doing this properly, we end up with wet carpet. There are two things we can do to quickly dry the carpet. On smaller spots, I use a CONAIR 1875 hair dryer. This model seems to be the most powerful. On the larger areas, I use a STANLEY model 655702 blower fan. This fan is a scaled down model of our turbo fan, however, the blower schute is adjustable, allowing you to aim the air down, directing the airflow on the spot. You can set the STANLEY blower on the area while you are off doing other things. The above mentioned hair dryer also works well for removing wax. Heat the wax with the dryer and absorb with a cotton towel. I feel this works much better and faster than the iron/paper method. And now, Paul Harvey will give you “The rest of the story”. Good Day!


    You guys work to hard…..removal of red dye cuts into golf time…i always say call brett if you want red stains removed….then haul %#* to the course…


    Hey Gary,
    You can stop the beer cart 4 times w/ the profits from a single red dye removal!

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