We charge a $1.50 psqft. This includes moving all the furniture. Last month we made $8900.00 just in wood floor cleaning. There is alot of money in this and in my area there is little competition. This makes it a whole lot easier to get these jobs.We sent out a letter to all our customers at the begining of feb. So far we have scheduled 2 jobs. I am going to try and get at least 4 jobs a month because or average job is about $1950.00. If any of you have questions just let me know and I can help you out.
Looking to add HW floor cleaning to my services, can you give me the steps with the new cleaner from corporate? Do you do any polishing or is that cleaner enough? Seems like it will be much quicker if so? Thanks!
Youve obviously tried both methods, the paste and the new liquid, do you notice a big difference in the shine and slipperiness. And does it make you happy when you leave….I mean are you totally satisfied……?