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    Has anyone tried sending out personalized letters to customers a couple weeks or months after cleaning?

    Kind of like a “hey remember Heaven’s Best? And tell your friends about us!”

    I was thinking about sending a letter to the better customers a couple weeks or months after cleaning for them. Thanking them for using HB and then asking them again to tell their friends. Then including a 15% off card for them and several for their friends. Then I could remind them about facebook, leaving a review on Google (if I asked them to when I cleaned for them), etc.

    I could even put the customer’s name on each card to track who they came from.

    It would take time, but if I could get more high-end jobs…

    One of my concerns is, though, that the little card would be given out to their friends and then lost in the junk drawer.


    In the Tri-Cities, WA seminar, Pat said that when he leaves a customers home, he hands them a spot remover and says “Thanks in advance for telling others about us.”


    I like the idea. It includes your personal thanks and incentive for them and others to us you. Good idea.


    You can also use the postcards through service monster, been hearing good feed back on that.


    Thanks for the thoughts and suggestions.


    It’s been a while. How is that going for you Michael? (or anyone else)


    I like the idea. It wouldn’t cost much and would keep your name in front of your people. As far as people losing the cards . . . It could happen, but the reward will be better than the risk. There will be some folks that put the card in that place they can remember when the time is right. There may also be some people that this will get them to react as they have been thinking about cleaning for some time now.


    I never did try that. I felt funny about it so didn’t.

    Right now I’m calling a few previous customers each day. And sending out a reminder card or 2. But nothing yet. Half the numbers are out of service.


    I also like the idea. About the cards, it might be more of an expense, but if the 15% card was a business card size magnet, I don’t think it would be tossed and would more likely go on the refrigerator where I think you would want it.


    Although I can’t recall the #’s, it was a dramatic amount.

    The cost of attracting a new customer VS. keeping an exsisting one. We often will spend all kinds of dollars to try and find new clients but won’t spend .75c on a post card, to keep an exsisting one.

    The other thing I can’t remember, but it was something along the lines of….. a service type business, ie us, loses about 20% of our clients a year. thru things like people moving, replacing carpets with hard surface floors, replacing carpets with new carpets, forgeting who we are etc, etc etc. So in order to just remain even steven, we need to grow 20% each year. If we want our business to actually grow, then we need to add more than we loose.

    FYI there are many other things that I can’t recall, but I forget what those are so I am unable to share any of that now.


    I certainly wouldn’t feel funny about sending the letters as I believe it to be a great idea. This past summer I had a new HVAC system put in my home. At the time of the transaction I remember the salesman telling me the service from the company is better after the purchase and installation are completed. He was correct. They do a great job in keeping their name in the forefront of the mind of the customer. One correspondence came with an evaluation card while another came with precisely what you are looking to do….a referral card. I think all of our businesses could benefit from increased communication with our customer base throughout the year

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