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    I’m getting ready to mix my first batch of 101 (I’m a new operator) to use for filling small and large spotter bottles. I came here looking for tips and tricks that would help me to be more efficient when filling the plethora of bottles, but I wasn’t able to find anything. Hoping some kind soul out there has some valuable information that will save time.


    Unfortunately, I have not come across a faster method. I have tried using a funnel, and that works ok, but not a game changer as you often will overfill them. Spilling just occurs, so be ready for it. I usually will fill them on a baking sheet (raised edges) which helps contain any spillage. Also have a towel or two handy. Last point, make sure you are using the Large/Small spotter refill solution bottles and not the regular 101. 101 is ok in a pinch, but gonna cost ya more per bottle. I usually mix up some gallon jugs of spotter solution and keep 1 in the van for refilling customers bottles while at their house (as needed). All just my 2 cents.


    Thanks Dave. When I originally composed the message I didn’t realize that the spotter bottles had their own concentrate. Hadn’t and opened all my boxes yet!


    Welcome to the family!!
    I believe that the 101 Spotter mix solution is the same as the concentrate, We use one of the old 101 Bottles remove the Lable and mix up a gallon of pro-spotter at the shop and then fill customer bottles and our bottles from those gallons as needed with a funnel.


    If I remember correctly, the spotter solution is a thinned down version of the regular 101 cleaner mix.


    last I knew, 12 oz (or 1 1/2 cups) gets mixed to a two gallon jug for cleaning. 7.1-8oz to a gallon for spot remover.
    “Pro-spotter” as it is called can be the major mojoe. Like 12oz of Orange deodorizer, 12oz of 101cleaner, and 12oz of Citrus Booster, mixed in a gallon jug with the rest water. Shake well before each use. Ya, major mojoe.

    So, mixing in a gallon and transferring to spray bottle bottle can be an education. I’ve done as Dave has done. Dave’s a good man! I found that turning the sprayer bottle at a 45 degree angle and pour slow helps. As foams comes to the top, put the lid on it and turn it upside down and back up once, reopen and you’ll have more room. Part of the process is patience. You may need to come back in five minutes to be able to complete the job. I’ve also tried filling the bottle 2/3’rds with water and then putting in the concentrate from the proper amount from a mixing cup and then putting in water to complete the task. Good luck! This message may self destruct in five minutes.


    I mix the solution up in a gallon jug, or regular solution tank if I have several to fill. I then use my sprayer to fill the bottles. Remove the spray tip before filling. Works like a champ and very little spillage.


    We pour the solution in a thermos and fill bottles from there.

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