Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Advertising Ideas Make more $$$ with additional services

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  • #143575
    Bret Wooton

    After the seminar I came home pumped up and my brain wouldn’t shut down. I basically updated our entire operation. But here is the one thing that I’m most excited about.

    I made up a single sheet with our new logo up top that says “Additional Services available at reduced rates while we’re here. Ask technician for details”. Then, I gave several bullet type services including a Lifetime Spotter for only $15, Heavy carpet protection in high traffic areas which usually costs less than $20(we include protector in our initial price), Additional carpet cleaning, add a room for less than you might think, Additional upholstery cleaning, have a chair or even a couch, we’ll clean it while we’re here for a discounted rate, a rake for $15 and a couple of other things.

    We put this sheet on a clipboard with a pen and ask the customer to review it while we’re there. We continue about our work and when we’re done, we ask the customer if they would like any additional services. So far, we never had to get that far in the job before they were asking for a spotter bottle and heavy protection. The very first time!!!! This is a great way to make more $$ per job. I’ll include the actual sheet that I use later. 😀


    “Brilliant” Looking forward to your post!


    Great idea Jeremy!

    Although I would, because I have been, charge $20 for life time spotter. If they will pay $15 they will pay $20. If you have a thousand customers who pay $5 more thats $5,000. more (pure profit!) Even if you were to say regular price was $25, but because I’m in your home cleaning It’s only $20!

    Life time refill? How does this work? I ask the customer “Can I refill your spot remover bottle? You don’t have one? It is a life time refill. Every time we come to clean, we refill it free! So don’t discard your bottle, If you need it refilled and don’t need our services, It’s a $10 refill!”

    I have about 10% of my customers that have two spotters! I have at least 40% of my customers who own a spotter bottle.

    I once had a customer tell her neighbor to call me to have their carpets cleaned (a referral), and sent her spotter bottle over for the refill. When I finished, the new customer asked me if she could buy her own spotter!
    I love this business!

    Spotters and protector are as Brian Sutton said, “like changing the oil and not the filter!” Thanks Brian!

    You and all the speakers did great!


    First off, Jeremy Kicks A– at marketing. We were talking on the phone the other day and Jeremy was trying to figure out a way to make an extra $15-20 on each job. We started bouncing ideas off of each other and the next thing I know he’s already come up with this sheet and put it in affect. I asked how it was going and he told me they had booked a return appointment to clean some upholstery and picked up a couple of additional protectant sales. I too have done something similar, the first day I started(last Friday), it I made me an extra $40 on one job. Not bad for handing someone a piece of paper. I’m excited to see how this works out.

    Gordon I am charging $20 per “Lifetime Spotter”.


    Great idea, i would love to see that sheet, myself


    yeah sheet me


    Monday- day two- made an extra $35. Like McDonalds says-I’m Lovin It.

    Bret Wooton

    Tell me how to upload the sheet and I will. I’m still learning how to use this thing.


    if you want you can send the sheet to me and i’ll upload it to my website and link to it.

    Bret Wooton

    I sent the sheet to Ron H.

    I billed another $70 so far today and booked another $220 job just by presenting the sheet at 1 job. Not bad for the price a a piece of paper.


    Hey Jeremy,
    Can I get a copy of that sheet? What a great way to maximize your visit. Email or fax if you can. My fax is 641 228 2672.


    Jeremy, I’d like a copy when you get a chance. Great Idea.
    Ed H.


    I will have our new computer tech Justin post the form on the city owner portion of the web site tomorrow afternoon.


    Interested to see the sheet. Sounds like something that is too easy/simple to work, but I would bet that is the beauty of it and exactly why it does work. Just curious if you keep the sheet as just “a sheet of paper” (Heaven’s Best letter head) so you can possibly leave it behind if needed, or if it is something more formal/professional (laminated, in a folder, etc.)?


    I’m assuming that I’ll have it on letterhead and laminated when I implement it.

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