Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Website / Features / Tech Tips List of Operator Websites?

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I’m looking for a list of HB operator websites. Does such a list exist? Maybe somewhere at coprporate? I’d like to add links on my site (and I would request other operators add my link to their sites) since I understand this helps with search engine optimization (SEO).

    My site is currently under construction and should be live within a week – my address will be http://www.heavensbestnj.com. Peraps we can start a list here?



    Having more of your links on other websites does help. You need to make sure you are considering your keywords though.

    If I were interested in ranking higher on search engines for the keyword ‘Funny’, then I would want other websites to create a link to my website using the word Funny.

    ie. Funny
    (if you want to learn programmer lingo, the text ‘Funny’ is the anchor text)
    Which would look like this on the page: Funny

    We do have a list of operators and their websites.
    1. go to heavensbest.com
    2. click on “site map” (bottom of page, by “operators login”)
    3. scroll down the page
    4. click on “View All the Operators’ Landing Pages”

    Here is the direct link: http://www.heavensbest.com/list-regions.html

    Hope this makes sense.


    Michael is totally correct, The best kind of link is a way one link which is a link from a website pointing to your site, if I have a website and point a link to your site and you do the same is basically cancels itself out and accomplishes nothing in terms of helping to rank your site.

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