We have changed the bottle for the following products:
127 – Fast Acting Enzyme
128 – Quick Boost
129 – Portable Extract
It is a now the same natural color as the other bottles that we are currently using. The bottles them selves are taller but the amount in them has not changed. They are sill considered a 32oz bottle.
Patrick, I just got some Quickboost. New container is a little narrower (around half inch), and a little taller(inch?). Not much, but a little each way. These are just on eye test, not official.
Thanks Dave, I have been using pvc pipe cut at a 45 to hold the bottles and such, a friend got a 3d printer on order, we are going to build a better rack system, guess i had better order some new, and dump the stock into the new bottles untill I run out of the old.
The reason for the Bottle Change was because that clear pete bottle was getting alot harder to purchase and the price was going up alot.
Patrick in answer to your question they are really close in size and Dave is correct they are just a bit narrower and about 1/2″ taller. This should not effect your PVC holder where these new bottles are just a bit smaller in diameter