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    does anyone use the original canister to spray large commercial jobs?that is back breaking.on these jobs has anyone purchaced some other sprayer?how about the plastice pump one? has anyone besides me ever put fabpro in the power sprayer and sprayed away? i did this once on a 24,000 sq.ft. job to save my already broken back and realized soon enough that to much sprayed out at once,so i sprinted with while still spraying. i had to flush it out after also.


    Sprinting with the sprayer? That sounds like a work out! Do they make a jet that fits the power sprayer that would be small/fine enough to apply protectant? And what effect would the protectant have on the pump? Brian Sutton, are you out there?


    I don’t think I would use the power sprayer even if I found a tip that was suitable. I doubt if the seals are designed for a solvent based stain protector. I bought a very nice stainless steel pump-up sprayer ($120) that holds 2 gallons. I planned to find a fine tip for it but forgot I bought it. Thanx for the reminder. My plan was to plumb it to run dual jets so I could cover a wider path. I’ll get back on the project and report back.


    The two gallon sprayer I bought has a hand wand and tip identical to our power sprayer. Our power sprayer comes with a tip that delivers .8 gal/min. I found a tip that delivers .1 gal/min. which works perfect for our protector. I have a “T” I made that has two sprayer tips 8 inches apart. I can mount this to the end of the wand and double my spraying speed.


    If you can make 600 dollars an hour using two fab pro sprayers how much can you make with “THE MOTHER OF ALL FAB PRO SPRAYERS” LOL
    I love your ingenuity.


    thanks for the great info. again sutton. you rock!


    I think I will take the time to calculate this:

    The canisters deliver .05 gal/min x 2 = .10 gal/min generating $600/hr

    New equip. delivers .1 gal/min x 2 = .2 gal/min generating $1200/hr
    With no backache and less refills!!!!!!!

    I think I make more per hour than a Brain Surgeon


    Carpet cleaner slash brain surgeon! I can think of other a few other titles but I’ll leave it at that. 😆


    Sir Sutton, “Protector Man!”

    (Leave the bright red tights to superman)



    Just curious how your protectant sprayer is working out for you. Are you still using it? Would like to know what others are using for protectant if they aren’t using the HB sprayer (which I know we are all supposed to use but I don’t think it is large enough and practical in most cases). We have been using a 2 or 3 gallon Ace Hardware hand pump sprayer (can’t remember exact size and too lazy to walk out to van and look) for past couple of years, but may start looking again for another alternative. Something battery powered would be nice. Considered our big sprayer (we have an extra), but glad I read the comments from others about using it.


    Forthe most part the standard sprayer seems to work fairly well. There are times I wish I didn’t have to refill it as often but for most jobs it works well.


    Its hard on the back. Wish there wasn’t so much bending over involved.


    The sprayer I have for large jobs is called “B&G” chemical resistant sprayer (model no. 2-SCR). It is either stainless steel or chrome-plated brass. It has a two gallon capacity but I only put in one gallon at a time. Seldom do you need more than one gallon. I no longer use the dual spray tip as it seems to be too awkward. I do love the speed, capacity and no bending over. I recommend this to anyone who clean commercial jobs of 2000 sqft or more.


    i have problems with the tip plugging up . it would be nice to have one that had a bigger tank . corperate can you help us out?


    Try tipping the sprayer over and spray til you get a short burst of air. It will clear the remaining protector out of the tip. Works just like a paint rattle spray can.

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