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    Just curious if any operators are offering benefits to their employees, and if so what? Health/life insurance? Vacation? 401k? Do you pay weekly, every 2 weeks, or bi monthly? If you are offering benefits, what is it costing you per employee? Job market in my area is crazy right now and everybody is trying to find employees in all industries. Every store has a help wanted sign and all websites are full of job listings, so I’m just trying to find a way to differentiate myself from everyone else and exploring all avenues.


    I offer my employees vacation/sick days after one year of employment. 7 vacation days/6 sick days. I pay them once a week. As of right now I do not offer Health/Life insurance but want to offer that soon.


    Good topic! I read and was impressed with the book “Les Schwab, Pride in Performance”. He is the founder of the Les Schweb Tire Center and the book is about his life history and how he ran the business. He did profit sharing (Pg 24) that also includes a healthy retirement bonus(Pg 31&32). As a result I did a profit sharing program as well as a $2,000 credit toward their own purchase of a Heaven’s Best franchise (anywhere one’s available) each twelve months up to $10,000. Unless they quit or get fired. Kind of makes them think twice about leaving. There is always two sides of coin, meaning you have to find out what they want that will keep them going even in an occasional cat … job and go from there. You could apply the Tom Sawyer approach “Not just anyone could paint this fence. It takes someone extraordinary to do this. Do you think your up for it…” You might even get a marble or chewing gum out of the opportunity.

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