Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Scams / Other Companies to Watch Our For E Local Listing solisitations

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    I was contacted by E Local listing for business about 2 weeks ago. They stated that they are working with lots of Heavens Best owners that are happy with there service. When I pressed them for who they are working with they passed me off to a manager. Then after a while they were only able to come up with one city that was using them. I did my research and contacted the operator only to find out that they just signed up with them recently and had no feedback yet. I looked through their website and started calling other companies that they listed and they were all disconnected lines or wrong numbers. I would stay away from this company and would not trust them. For the operators that are using them I hope they perform for you like they said they would. Please give feedback on the company. After I talked with the managers manager and told them no thank you and a list of reasons why I would not use the company I received a call from an operator yesterday asking me what I think of E Local listings. I was glad to talk to him but surprised that his rep gave him my name as one of the Heavens Best operators that are using them. This was very false and I have already contacted them to make sure that they do not use me again as a reference. Great job Kurt in NJ for doing your homework. As a side note when I went to do a google check E Local Listing Scam was one of the first things that showed up on the organic page. It was also the first in the auto fill as I was typing it in to the search.


    Two other companies to MAYBE stay away from would be ServiceMagic.com and 1800contractor.com. The reason is because they seem to be using our name to advertise for other companies. Go to google and search Heavensbest, heavens best, or even Heaven’s Best. You will notice that there are sponsered links with Heaven’s Best as the title of the link, but they actually go to their sites.


    If you have any phone numbers or names for the E-Local contact please post or pm them to me as I spent about 20 minutes talking with one guy and he was telling me some pretty amazing line of crap and I would love to know if it’s the same person. I thought he said the company name was e-local reach thou so it may be another company.


    We were getting a few of those a week for a while. It seems to have come to an end. But if it were a company HB was using widely, it would be posted in the City Newsletter. I got one saying they had talked to the owner and his approval and that he had told him to call back and talk to his secretary. I busted him on that since I’m the owner.

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