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    I also use the Dirt Napper on most jobs. Always use FAE on traffic areas and sometimes on the entire carpet if it’s filthy.

    The combination of both works well for us.


    BBC’s for me…..call me high maintenance but I prefer not to have to clean the napper out after every job and power wash it when I get home…I work too hard during the day cleaning carpets….I used the napper for one and a half years when I started the biz…used it religiously…and then I found the BBC…and I cant tell a diff really…accept that the BBC’s wear out faster than the green striped pads in the napper obviously. But its worth it to me in time to pay a little more money every year in BBC pads…time is money after all when your self employed…and my free time is precious to me….4 kids and all. In addition…the BBC is more absorbent than the green reg pad inside the napper….so its almost like doing pass with the woven turf….not quite but it helps in time that way too….


    I always use FAE and BBC pads instead of the dirt napper on most jobs. I only use the dirt napper on really nasty jobs but always use FAE.

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