Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Tile & Grout Confused about Grout Treater

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    I have 2 grout treater bottles in front of me. One says it is Product 163, Contents 1 gallon.(but it is in a quart bottle). The other says product 8103, Contents 1 quart. I think Big John’s video says to use it straight out of the bottle. 1 quart straight out of the bottle does not go very far at $30 a bottle. Any input would be appreciated.


    I would call Adam or Big John on that one.



    I called Adam, he said Product #163 rpeplaces Product #8103. It is to be used full strength.


    I’m glad it worked out for you. Hope all is well. Happy grout scrubbing.

    Mike Nowlin


    Yes, it doesn’t go far at all. I recommend that you use a spray bottle and spray the grout lines. It will go further that way.


    Ron is right. You should be able to get the same effect as well.



    On the same note, I have a question about the Wax and Shine, why do we have it, and does it do the same as the grout treater?


    It is simply for aesthetics. In other words, it is to make it look pretty, so if the job requires it, I would use it. Wax and shine is also optional. You don’t have to use. The tile and grout treater is a less of a shine but looks nice regardless. Wax and shine is just a bonus, and can be offered to raise the amount of money you will make, for example; basic tile and grout clean from $.40 to $.65 per square foot. With wax and shine, charge more at around$.65 to .95 psf. You pricing structure is up to you. Good luck and God Bless.

    Mike Nowlin


    Can anyone tell me the difference of Solvent based or water based grout
    treater customer ask me this question . Also once the grout has been cleaned and sealed, how long will it protect the tile and grout surface ? How to advise the customer to clean their floors once we finish the job ?

    Thanks Rick

    Bill Squires

    Cody told me the sealer must be shaken before used and applied to dry grout, I have been charging 1.00 a sqaure foot for cleaning and .25 for sealing it. so far this year I’ve cleaned 2800.00 just in the last 6 weeks 🙂

    Linda Orr

    Rick, did you ever get an answer to your question? I had a customer ask the same questions the other day and was unable to answer.

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