Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Tip Of The Day Charging Sprayer

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    I plug my sprayer in to my van via an inverter. Sprayer charges while I drive, and I don’t have to unload it in the evening to charge overnight.


    I installed an electrical outlet in my van that the charger, air compressor and small heater plugs into. I have wired it to a grounded plug. At night I connect an extension cord to it and it charges/ heats all night long. Just gotta remember to unplug it in the morning before backing out of the garage. Don’t ask me how I know.


    I purchased a nice battery charger a while back and noticed that it had a “battery recondition”(desulfate) option. Since I had about 4 power sprayer batteries that were weak, I decided to run them through the cycle. It is too early to tell if it is a total recondition or to what percentage of “new condition” it has brought them to, but it seems to have worked really well so far. After I use all batteries on a full day, I will return with an up-date.


    Hold off on buying an expensive battery charger as it helps, but only regains about 25% of the battery.

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