Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Additional Services Carpet Protector – What’s it best for?

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  • #152241
    Linda Orr

    One more thing. I did an experiment with the fabric protector after I had a bad incident with it. I used the fabric protector on a high end home. 24 hours later they spilled wine on the carpet. When they called I thought it would be know problem because of the fabric protector. However, I tried everything and the stain would not come out. I reimbursed the cost of the fabric protector then went home and tried applying protector in different amounts to several different pieces of carpet. After letting it set (over 24 hours) i poured wine on each piece of carpet. The one I applied the amount I usually apply didn’t work at all. of the 5 pieces of carpet the 5th one that I comletely saturated is the only one that worked like I had always expected it to work. Now I am very careful to apply protector very well and also let the customer know it is not a miracle product. However I do tell them it is a very good product and works better than anything else out there.


    #1 the fabric protector takes time to “cure”
    #2 we need to make sure expectations are properly set
    when the shopping cart smashes into your BMW wax does nothing. it stiil scratches and/or dents the door. = Red Wine, hot coffee or tea, etc
    When a bird drops his daily business on the hood, the wax helps it to wash off easily. = things that are easily removed.



    Surprised to hear you didnt have any success with the red wine. I usually have about a 95% success rate getting it out using our red dye remover.


    How long does it take to cure?


    I usually tell people it is like paint in that it will be dry in about an hour but can take up to around 12 hrs to cure (can’t remember if that is an official number or not). During that time, I recommend that they try not to spill anything on it, and don’t vacuum it (which you think wouldn’t be an issue but I like to cover my bases).


    I believe the cure time is 4 hrs. I’m rarely wrong! 😆


    If I remember correctly, the rate of stain protector application should be 1 quart to 600 sqft of carpet. I tend to apply it heavier where stains are more likely to happen and lighter in low use areas. It is very important to shake the stain protector and all products before using. The stains that seem to penetrate our protector are hot beverages and high acid spills such as vomit, wine, OJ, ect. Dennis is correct, it is not bullet proof.


    Protector works well for those stubborn wicking spots, creating a barrier that prevents the wicking.

    Linda Orr

    I remember the time being 5 hours.

    Linda Orr

    How long do you tell your customers the protection will last?


    our protector is a good product , and a great money maker. however it does not have an acid dye resistor in its composition.

    Linda Orr

    But how long does is it good for. One year? More? Will it last through my next cleaning or do they need to have it reapplied each time?


    I usually reapply at each cleaning. I tell my customers it is an inexpensive insurance to help keep their carpets as clean and stainfree as possible. Occasionally someone chooses not to apply this time but will the next time if pricing is an issue. I will discount the protector pricing 2-3 cents if the job is large enough and this will usually sway them to have it applied.

    Linda Orr

    R U saying you only charge .02 – .03 per square foot? I usually show a discount from .16 to .12 or .10 and say it is a package deal. This has been successful. I have started apply much more than I sued to. I also inform the customer that it is not a miracle product but is a very good product. I tell them some of the things that can get through it.


    As I indicated I will discount the protector 2 or 3 cents per sf. Regular price= 13 cents discounted price = 10 cents

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