Home Forums Heavens Best Forum Pads & Buffers Buzzing Buffer

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    My buffer, which has been in service for 2 years now, began buzzing recently. It had a new motor put in it about a year and a half ago, after which it ran quiet and smooth… it was great. One day it began making a buzzing noise and I can feel vibration in the handle. It still works fine as far as the cleaning motion. I changed the run capacitor just for grins (figured I could use a spare on the shelf even if that didn’t fix it) and nothing changed.

    Anyone had this before? Any ideas?

    Thank you for your input.


    Sorry you’re having a buzz. Never hard of anyone else having the problem. Before calling it the “old buzzard”, I’d call corporate.


    Occasionally my Nobles buffer will start up and runs but it has a real loud buzzing noise and a slight vibration that usually isnt there. It kind of sounds like the wheels are vibrating very rapidly. After a restart everything sounds and runs fine. I havent contacted the Corp Office yet about it since I tend to forget it once it goes away til it happens again. :mrgreen:

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