I have found an awesome product for adhering the hand grips to the handle tubes. Weatherstripping adhesive. It can be found at any auto parts store. Follow directions by applying a thin coat on both surfaces, allow to dry amount a minute and slide together. Let dry overnight. No guarantee of the ease of removal as I have not tried. 🙄
Thanks Brian.
The corporate office also sells the softer handles. In the past I would buy the Wall-mart hard bike handles (meant for outdoor use). The corporate handles are much better on the hands..
I recently learned that hair spray is a great product for holding handles in place with out destroying something to remove them later.
I was 8 years old and at a good friends house. (In the 60’s) He had three older sisters. We walked down the hall to his room as his sisters were using hair spray. To say the least, we got lacquered to the wall… I’m glad my sisters were younger.