i use the old style wooden napper.much larger and the brown striper fits perfectly.i would like to see these made again.they have switched nappers 4 times in 4 years.ask john steiner if it an option in the future. we need a larger napper for our bbc or brown striper.makes jobs easier.if we had a larger napper to fit the bbc pad,all would be better.
Buff with what you want, dirt napper, bbc, woven turf, cotton, green stripe but the final should be a finishing towel, then a finishing towel, then a finishing towel, then another finishing towel for good measure.. or the easy way out …don,t clean berber..!!
As the one responsible for introducing the towel into the heavens best cleaning, I must admit that the very last time over should be done with a green strip pad. I can’t explain how but the carpet looks better and is fluffier as well.
The regular pad will work a little better, However, either one works well.
I use the turf pads most of the time. The only time one use the regular green stripe pads is to finish after the towel. The carpet just looks better and is fluffier too.