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  • #144735

    There is an email circulating that claims to be from the BBB and asks you to click a link to see a customer complaint. Once you click the link, a virus is loaded on to your computer. If you have seen this email and clicked the link, please check your computer for viruses.

    This is what the email looks like:

    Dear Sirs,
    The Better Business Bureau has received the above-referenced complaint from one of your associates on the subject of their dealings with you.
    The details of the customer’s concern are presented in attached document.
    Please review this issue and inform us about your point of view.
    Please click here to answer this complaint.

    We look forward to your urgent response.

    Faithfully yours,
    Shawna Dennis
    Better Business Bureau


    This email below is actually from the BBB warning us about the fake email. So this email was not fake.

    If you receive an email referencing a complaint against your business, PLEASE do NOT click on any link in that email.

    Scam artists target businesses with BBB complaint email

    Better Business Bureau is issuing an urgent SCAM alert cautioning businesses and consumers about an email that looks like it is from BBB, with the subject line “Complaint from your customers.” This e-mail is fraudulent; ignore its contents and delete it immediately. If you have already clicked on a link in the e-mail, run a full virus scan of your computer. This is the second time BBB has issued an alert on a fraudulent email.

    The e-mails have return addresses that BBB does not use and it is signed with the address of the Council of Better Business Bureaus, the national office of the BBB system. The e-mail contains a link to a non-BBB web site. Do NOT click on the link.

    BBB is working with law enforcement to determine its source and stop the fraudulent campaign.

    This is what the email looks like (click to enlarge):

    Dale Dixon
    Better Business Bureau


    I just received one… My SPAM filter caught it.



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