Avatars are the little pictures that reside under your name.
I have given you all avatars to help each other get a visual of who they are talking to. It becomes more personal when you can see the other person. I used the pictures we have on file for you.
The avatars are not permanent, and can be changed. I can change them, or you can change them.
To change them yourself, go into your “profile” at the top of the vulletin board. Scroll down and you will see a avatar area. You click the “upload image” button, and you can upload one directly from your pc.
The stipulation is that they have to be less than 12k in size, and a dimension of 80×80 or less.
If you want you picture changed and you can’t/don’t know how to do it. Then drop me an e-mail with your picture and bulletin board user name, and i will get it changed for you.