Home Forums Heavens Best Forum General Business Anyone dealt with Compliance Depot

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    Hey all, has anyone signed up with Compliance Depot? For those that havent’ heard of it, it appears to be company that “vets” vendors for property managers. During any downtime/gaps in jobs, I have my employees hitting up condo and apt properties that are high rises and not suitable for the truck mount peeps, and lately we are running into situations where the mgmt companies only use vendors approved thru Compliance Depot and we have never seen this before. I have not seen many favorable reviews about this company, but it appears to be a gateway to getting more commercial/property mgmt business. Just wondering if anyone has signed up with them, and if so, is it worth the headaches most reviews mention?



    I did work for an apartment complex a few years ago that used Compliance Depot. I do remember Compliance Depot being a pain in the rear to deal with. Basically they have you fill out a lot of info and take your money (I don’t remember how much they charged). The worst thing with them was very poor communication and most of the info they wanted you had to do all the leg work. Lot’s of red tape.


    Could something like Compliance Depot be used to screen potential employees?


    Gordon, I use Goodhire.com for all my pre-employment screenings.


    I second GoodHire – that’s who I’ve used for 3 years


    They’re a fricking nightmare to deal with. I lost an account because I just gave up on trying to get approved by them. Too many hoops to jump through.

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