City Owner Newsletter July 2019

Happy Summer!

Hello everyone,

Hope everyone had a wonderful and patriotic Fourth of July.

We have talked about the new Google local service ads, and still encourage everyone to please take a look at that very closely, as it is working out very well for the franchisees that have signed up. Dan Child, in California, is having great success and would encourage you guys to reach out to him. The following is a blurb from our May 2019 Newsletter.


Another new way of generating revenue is GOOGLE LOCAL SERVICE ADS. This has been phenomenal for some of the individuals that have already signed up. As you’ll see here, Dan Child, one of the owners (but operates a franchise system in Sacramento, California) sent this out to all of his franchisees. It’s not going to be in everyone’s area yet as it still being rolled out, but it looks like it could be somewhat of a game changer to help you folks.

“Dear California Franchise Owners,

I hope everyone is doing well and getting busier with the change of weather. Google has a new advertising campaign that is called Google Local Service Ads, which is pay per call instead of pay per click. Google does a free background check and verifies each business insurance and license. This new service is getting greater exposure and pops up on the side advertising the business that are Google Certified. Their contact number is 1-833-272-1444. You can also access it online, but it is easier to let a representative walk you through it.

An advantage of this service is you can narrow the exposure to a specific area, so that you are not paying for leads outside your area. Plan on setting your budget high, for example mine is set at $400 per week. I only paid $66.00 my first week and was able to book 6 jobs. You will have an app on your phone that you will be able to monitor it daily. My son in Long Beach had his budget set at $700 per week, but only used 25% of his budget and was able to book the majority of the leads. There is an advantage to setting the budget high to get the most exposure, but you can decrease the budget at anytime. “

We have seen a steady order flow on the new van wrap, and keep getting compliments from the franchisees that have purchased the new rap. Again, we do offer financing with a little money down to make it affordable to you guys. Remember, what you drive around every single day to every job is your storefront and you should be proud of the way your storefront looks, not only for advertising purposes, but for business success purposes.
We continue to look at other products and equipment. I have been talking to some of you franchisees about these items, and we will be looking into starting up a Franchise Advisory Board with 6 to 8 franchisees starting out.

We are also working on the backend on the store, with a new IT company that is making changes and fixing issues you all and the corporate office is having, to make it a lot easier for you all to log in and access the store, the bulletin board, basically all of the above. These changes should actually be completed by the end of this month. I am having weekly video calls with the new IT company to go over these changes and what we would like to see happen to make it easier for you all.

We know that there are problems putting in your monthly reports, and that is getting fixed as well. We know it is telling you that you have not put in some of your old reports, when you actually have, and that is being worked on as well. We just ask if you can be patient a little bit longer while these fixes are going on.

I cannot emphasize enough, on behalf of the Corporate office, we appreciate each and every one of you, and I personally value the input and suggestions and thoughts you share with me on our calls.

Thank you,

Robert Ashcraft

Big Thank You!!

Dick and I would like to express to each of you “thank you” so much for your prayers, thoughts, cards, messages, and phone calls after the loss of Dick’s brother. It’s such a comfort through these hard times that we have special people like you to help us get through and lift us up. We consider each of you our friends and want you to know how much this has meant to us to have your support. Robert and Scott came to the funeral and contributed on behalf of Heaven’s Best and all of you. I won’t lie, I was overcome with emotion that they would do this for us. Thank you to each of you again!!

Dick and Linda Orr

A Message From EZLocal

EZlocal is excited to have the opportunity to work with Heaven’s Best franchise owners.

Earlier this year, we partnered with Heaven’s Best to offer a complete digital presence management solution at special pricing only available to Heaven’s Best.

EZlocal is a digital agency headquartered just outside of Chicago offering business listings management, social media, reputation management, local SEO, online advertising, and web design. Founded in 2007, we help thousands of business locations manage their local-social content across internet directories, online maps, social networks, and search engines.

Our work is done in-house through an experienced and friendly team of real people. You will have your own dedicated EZlocal account manager that will get to know you and your business.

We put together a special package just for Heaven’s Best! The Conquer Local Package is $225/mo (normally $399/mo) and includes:

• Google & Bing Maps management
• Listing distribution up to 300+ directories
• Weekly Google Posts

• 24/7 reputation monitoring
• Professional review response
• Review generation platform

• Social media management
• 2 social posts per week
• Facebook page optimization

• Custom mobile-friendly website
• Optimization for your services and local territory
• Unlimited support and ongoing maintenance

Heaven’s Best website sub-domains are available.

In addition to the Conquer Local package, we offer an SEO plan that is designed to help you rank for five or more keyword phrases. The SEO plan is ideal for operators with large territories or for those servicing highly competitive areas. The SEO campaign is an additional $250 per month and includes custom written keyword content, onsite and offsite SEO tactics for five keywords, and a live link data report which allows you to view the progress your site is making on Google, Yahoo!, and Bing with easy click-throughs to each result.

We also offer full-service Google Ads management for $100 per month with a recommended PPC (Pay-Per-Click) budget of $300-800/mo.

Getting Started

If you’re interested in signing up with EZlocal, we would love to have you as a customer!

On-boarding and agreement forms are available through the Heaven’s Best corporate office. Please reach out to Linda at (800) 359-2095.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to EZlocal at (877) 416-2378.

EZlocal Team

Shipping Update

Buy 5 Orange Deodorizers (product no. 124), get one free!

John’s Fix-it Corner

Happy Independence Day! I like this time of year -it’s warm and you can go out and have a picnic and be with your family. As a family, we are going to watch the fireworks and think about our servicemen and women who put their lives in jeopardy or have even given their lives to keep us free.

In thinking of that, it made me think of you, our Heaven’s Best operators, who do such good work. You always go beyond the call of duty to make sure each home is done to Heaven’s Best’s high standards. As you hand out your evaluation cards and we receive them here, they let us see the quality of people we have doing quality work.

That is why it is so important to always take the time to do your best. Give the customer the best value for their money and to treat your customer the way you would like to be treated.

When you charge a person a service call to do a small job and you charge them $75.00 – but what you did was only worth $25.00 – then give them the full $75.00 worth by asking if you can do a little more.  Then they will feel like they got their money’s worth.  Just remember the golden question, “How would you like to be treated?”

NOTE: The cable repairman was on my street and asked me what time it was. I told him it is between 8 am and 1 pm. 😉

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