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    I am new here and have been reading thru lots of posts tonight and it seems lots of people are having trouble with Adwords types of advertising and I thought I would try and help with some basic guidelines to follow.

    Rule number one is start small, after you have your site up and running you should focus on a small number of keyword phrases that relate to the areas you wish to service, everything about PPC advertising with google is based on a quality score. Lots of people seem to think the only factor Google cares about is about is the amount you are willing to pay per click and that is true at the very start of your campaign but if no one clicks your ad Google makes no money they actually factor in the click thru/conversion rate so for example if you are willing to pay $1.00 a click and I am willing to pay $2.00 per click Google will rank my ad above yours first but after a number of showings if Google finds that even though you are only willing to pay $1.00 a click they are making more money from you because you have a better conversion rate your ad will actually outrank my ad so the biggest factor to work on is the conversion rate of your ad and you do that mostly by targeting the correct keyword phrases.

    The second rule is testing, after you have targeted your keyword phrases make small changes in your ad and test, test, test. You main goal at this point is to get people that are looking to buy to actually click your ad.

    The next part is your landing page, this part takes the longest to develop and if you really want the most of your Adwords program this step never really ends. You should work on the wording of your offer and make one change at a time and track the results and slowly over time you will start to increase the conversion rate of visitors to customers.

    The key is take your time and track your results and if your willing to do this you will see improvement in your PPC campaign and you can avoid paying someone else.


    I was one of the ill-informed on quality scores, but Greg has made me a believer. Google lays it all out here if you are interested in reading more:


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