Several years ago, my wife and I were at a party of one of our customers. They had chocolate fondue and we were sitting in the dining room. At some point, the customer and about half the group were in the room with us and we all heard a collective scream from the living room….thought they were joking and just a little tipsy. The owner went to investigate.
About 10 minutes later he returned saying to me ” you just got a lot of customers” of course I asked , “why”. He then told the group how someone had dripped a blob of hot chocolate fondue on the white pile carpet we had cleaned a few days before….He then explained that he went to the sink, got the sprayer and rag and went in, sprayed, blotted and wiped and voila!, gone…
I got a bunch of customers….
I know, I know…wouldn’t work again…it did that evening 3-4 years ago.