Has Anyone had problems with small spotters. I fill a case at a time and if they sit for about a week or so the bottle loose there 😡 shape and looks like it’s been sqished. I though it was from the heat in truck so I left some at home but, they all look the same
I’ve had the stickers come off which I believe was due to heat in the van and I’ve made sure to rotate them because of it. Haven’t had any other issues. I’ve had some sitting filled in my garage for over 2 months and no problems.
I keep my chemicals inside igloo ice chests in the van to keep them insulated from the heat somewhat. Works pretty well! I use two large sized with a hinged lid for easy access. Been keeping spotter bottles inside too and not having any problems w/labels or bottles contracting. Try it out!
Our techs normally keep the empty sm/lg spotters in milk carton in the van and then fill them directly from their power sprayers as needed. They also splash either Orange or Cherry deodorizer to make stronger. Have not experienced problems with labels and/or bottles.