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    Question for discussion – who imposes minimums on their customers? If so, how much? Is it the same for all customers or different for new vs. repeat customers?

    For those with minimums, do you feel it ever hurts you with a repeat customer or do they seem to accept it alright?

    I recently started requiring a $100 minimum. I will probably be a little flexible for repeat customers, but I haven’t decided exactly how flexible.

    Thanks for your input!



    We have a $90 minimum. That being said, we do a lot of work for one client and if they have a quickie, spill or spot to clean and will take a few minutes, we charge $50, usually incorporating the stop with other work.

    Around here, to get anyone to come to your home for less is pretty much unheard of…I might consider raising later…but $90, right now, to me, sounds better to the ear of the potential customer. I would think that $100 might be a little high since no one I know of has a $100 minimum to come to my home for any service.

    But then again, if it works, go for it and let us know the results.

    Wish you the best…Dave


    You make a very good point. Anything even a little less than $100 doesn’t sound so high. I do that (3 rooms for $129.95, sofas for $99, loveseats for $89, etc.) with most everything else, but it just didn’t occur to me to establish my minimum under $100. Thanks for the tip.

    Anyone else have minimums?



    Our minimum is going up to $120 (3 room minimum) in September.


    I get $75.00 for a minimum charge. But I just cleaned some tar spots for a repeat commercial customer, and only charged them $50. It took 30 minutes.



    Our min. charge is $125. We rarely deviate from our min. Like many HB operators, we are very detailed and take our time to provide quality service and customers appreciate that. Our good competitors in our area, have min. charges of $125, $150 & $160, therefore we are still very competitive.


    One tiny little detail that has not been mentioned with regard to minimums… and that is, the cost of living.

    I looked at Sperling’s and what did I find???? The cost of living in Long Beach, CA is 39.9% higher than in Lancaster, PA…or in other words, a $90 minimum in Lancaster, PA is almost exactly equivalent to $125 in Long Beach.

    Phoenix is 17.4% higher than Lancaster, Montgomery, AL 6.4% less and Monroe, AL….well, it hard to tell…but probably the same or a few percent less.

    It might be a good education to research the cost of living around the country and then have a better, or at least a more informed appreciation…for pricing. I looked up D.C. and almost fell out of my chair….

    Hope this helps in pricing…but it can get confusing methinks.

    Someone a long time ago told me that it makes no difference what you make in dollars…it’s what you keep that counts.



    We charge $100 for new customers, $85 for repeat. Loyalty has its rewards and I always let them know this. If I am already in their neighborhood, I may drop it a little more depending on the situation. Every situation is different, and like Dave said, so is cost of living. Use your local competition as a yardstick if you want. I haven’t shopped mine lately and may have to bump up the price if I don’t like what I’m hearing the next time I do. If people balk on the price, let them know you provide a quality service (a reason I may raise our min price) and also that gas is not cheap (another reason it may go up).


    Call your competitiors and find out what they are charging. My area is very competitve and cleaners are charging $50 -100. I charge $75.


    Mine is $79.00. There are people in my area with minimums of $40.00.


    The COLA here in SC is pretty low. My min is $65 and most of my legitimate competitors limits are around $75 and a little higher. However, I am flexible with my loyal customers. I will get a call from them on a rare occasion to spot clean an accident. After I get a couple of years under the belt, I may raise my min slightly…

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