HI every one. I’m trying to figure something out for the company. I need to know, who of you already use quickbooks? I need to know ASP, if you could please send me an e-mail – jason@heavensbest.com and let me know if you use quickbooks, I would appreciate it.
I don’t use quickbooks or quicken, Just the HB program. My cpa is fine with the information I provide with a report. As for reporting employee wages for income taxes and unemployment taxes, my CPA handle it for a $20 fee which is done quarterly. If the HB program can be integrated with quickbooks or quicken I would consider using them.
I think it’s a great idea. I love the current HB4 program but it doesn’t give your net worth, just as quickbooks does, for those of us who are somewhat mathmatically inclined. I realize this may be pricy but I think it will be well worth it.